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Displaying 2 results for the string admins in rm:

Entity rm en-US
Entity # all locales chat •
%S <userId>: Redefinir il nivel da pussanza da l'utilisader cun 0 (Utilisader). Il dretg da midar ils nivels da pussanza dals commembers è necessari. Na funcziuna betg per auters admins, mo per tatez.
%S <userId>: Reset the user to power level 0 (User). Requires permission to change member's power levels. Does not work on admins other than yourself.
Entity # all locales chat •
%S <userId> [<power level>]: Definescha il nivel da pussanza da mintga utilisader. Endatescha ina valur integer (cifra), Utilisader: 0, Moderatur: 50 ed Admin: 100. La valur predefinida è 50, sch'i na vegn inditgà nagins arguments. La permissiun da midar il nivel da pussanza dad in commember è necessaria. Na funcziuna betg per auters admins, mo per tatez.
%S <userId> [<power level>]: Define the power level of the user. Enter an integer value, User: 0, Moderator: 50 and Admin: 100. Default will be 50 if no argument is provided. Requires permission to change member's power levels. Does not work on admins other than yourself.

Displaying 2 results for the string admins in en-US:

Entity rm en-US
Entity # all locales chat •
%S <userId>: Redefinir il nivel da pussanza da l'utilisader cun 0 (Utilisader). Il dretg da midar ils nivels da pussanza dals commembers è necessari. Na funcziuna betg per auters admins, mo per tatez.
%S <userId>: Reset the user to power level 0 (User). Requires permission to change member's power levels. Does not work on admins other than yourself.
Entity # all locales chat •
%S <userId> [<power level>]: Definescha il nivel da pussanza da mintga utilisader. Endatescha ina valur integer (cifra), Utilisader: 0, Moderatur: 50 ed Admin: 100. La valur predefinida è 50, sch'i na vegn inditgà nagins arguments. La permissiun da midar il nivel da pussanza dad in commember è necessaria. Na funcziuna betg per auters admins, mo per tatez.
%S <userId> [<power level>]: Define the power level of the user. Enter an integer value, User: 0, Moderator: 50 and Admin: 100. Default will be 50 if no argument is provided. Requires permission to change member's power levels. Does not work on admins other than yourself.
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