
Displaying 1 result for the string answers in ro:

Entity ro en-US
Entity # all locales extensions • irc • chrome •
Help is available from many places:\n - |/commands| lists all the built-in commands in ChatZilla. Use |/help <command-name>| to get help on individual commands.\n - The IRC Help website <> provides introductory material for new IRC users. \n - The ChatZilla FAQ <> answers many common questions about using ChatZilla.\n - The ChatZilla Support Channel <irc://moznet/chatzilla> is always available to answer any further questions about ChatZilla.
Help is available from many places:\n - |/commands| lists all the built-in commands in ChatZilla. Use |/help <command-name>| to get help on individual commands.\n - The IRC Help website <> provides introductory material for new IRC users. \n - The ChatZilla website <> provides more information about IRC and ChatZilla, including the ChatZilla FAQ <>, which answers many common questions about using ChatZilla.

Displaying 3 results for the string answers in en-US:

Entity ro en-US
Entity # all locales extensions • irc • chrome •
Help is available from many places:\n - |/commands| lists all the built-in commands in ChatZilla. Use |/help <command-name>| to get help on individual commands.\n - The IRC Help website <> provides introductory material for new IRC users. \n - The ChatZilla FAQ <> answers many common questions about using ChatZilla.\n - The ChatZilla Support Channel <irc://moznet/chatzilla> is always available to answer any further questions about ChatZilla.
Help is available from many places:\n - |/commands| lists all the built-in commands in ChatZilla. Use |/help <command-name>| to get help on individual commands.\n - The IRC Help website <> provides introductory material for new IRC users. \n - The ChatZilla website <> provides more information about IRC and ChatZilla, including the ChatZilla FAQ <>, which answers many common questions about using ChatZilla.
Entity # all locales mail • messenger • otr • auth.ftl
Gândește-te la o întrebare la care numai tu și contactului tău știți răspunsul. Introdu întrebarea și răspunde, apoi așteaptă să introducă și contactul tău răspunsul. Dacă răspunsurile nu corespund, canalul de comunicare pe care îl utilizezi poate fi supravegheat.
Think of a question to which the answer is known only to you and your contact. Enter the question and answer, then wait for your contact to enter the answer. If the answers do not match, the communication channel you are using may be under surveillance.
Entity # all locales toolkit • toolkit • about • aboutSupport.ftl
Această pagină conține informații tehnice care ar putea fi utile atunci când încerci să rezolvi o problemă. Dacă cauți răspunsuri la întrebări comune despre { -brand-short-name }, verifică <a data-l10n-name="support-link">site-ul nostru de suport</a>.
This page contains technical information that might be useful when you’re trying to solve a problem. If you are looking for answers to common questions about { -brand-short-name }, check out our <a data-l10n-name="support-link">support website</a>.
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