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Entity en-US is
Entity # all locales browser • browser • aboutCertError.ftl
{ -brand-short-name } uses the Mozilla CA store to verify that a connection is secure, rather than certificates supplied by the user’s operating system. So, if an antivirus program or a network is intercepting a connection with a security certificate issued by a CA that is not in the Mozilla CA store, the connection is considered unsafe.
{ -brand-short-name } notar CA-verslun Mozilla til þess að staðfesta öryggi tengingar, frekar en skilríki sem til staðar eru í stýrikerfi notanda. Þannig að, ef vírusvarnarforrit eða netkerfi lokar tengingu með öryggisskilríki frá CA sem er ekki í CA-verslun Mozilla, þá þykir tengingin óörugg.
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