
Displaying 6 results for the string Nu a in en-US:

Entity en-US en-US
Entity # all locales mail • chrome • messenger •
You have not supplied a username for this server. Please provide one in the account setup menu and try again.
You have not supplied a username for this server. Please provide one in the account setup menu and try again.
Entity # all locales mail • chrome • messenger •
The body of this message has not been downloaded from \ the server for reading offline. To read this message, \ you must reconnect to the network, choose Offline from \ the File menu and then uncheck Work Offline. \ In the future, you can select which messages or folders to read offline. To do \ this, choose Offline from the file menu and then select Download/Sync Now. \ You can adjust the Disk Space preference to prevent the downloading of large \ messages.
The body of this message has not been downloaded from \ the server for reading offline. To read this message, \ you must reconnect to the network, choose Offline from \ the File menu and then uncheck Work Offline. \ In the future, you can select which messages or folders to read offline. To do \ this, choose Offline from the file menu and then select Download/Sync Now. \ You can adjust the Disk Space preference to prevent the downloading of large \ messages.
Entity # all locales suite • chrome • common • pref • pref-keynav.dtd
Menu access key:
Menu access key:
Entity # all locales suite • chrome • common • sidebar • sidebarOverlay.dtd
If you would like to completely hide the Sidebar, click on the "View" menu above, and select "Sidebar" from the "Show/Hide" sub-menu.
If you would like to completely hide the Sidebar, click on the "View" menu above, and select "Sidebar" from the "Show/Hide" sub-menu.
Entity # all locales suite • chrome • mailnews •
You have not supplied a username for this server. Please provide one in the account setup menu and try again.
You have not supplied a username for this server. Please provide one in the account setup menu and try again.
Entity # all locales suite • chrome • mailnews •
The body of this message has not been downloaded from \ the server for reading offline. To read this message, \ you must reconnect to the network, choose Offline from \ the File menu and then uncheck Work Offline. \ In the future, you can select which messages or folders to read offline. To do \ this, choose Offline from the file menu and then select Download/Sync Now. \ You can adjust the Disk Space preference to prevent the downloading of large \ messages.
The body of this message has not been downloaded from \ the server for reading offline. To read this message, \ you must reconnect to the network, choose Offline from \ the File menu and then uncheck Work Offline. \ In the future, you can select which messages or folders to read offline. To do \ this, choose Offline from the file menu and then select Download/Sync Now. \ You can adjust the Disk Space preference to prevent the downloading of large \ messages.
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