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Entity en-US gd
Entity # all locales mail • chrome • messenger •
This POP3 server does not seem to support encrypted passwords. If you just set up this account, please try changing to 'Normal password' as the 'Authentication method' in the 'Account Settings | Server settings'. If it used to work and now suddenly fails, please contact your email administrator or provider.
Tha coltas nach eil am frithealaiche POP3 a' cur taic ri faclan-faire crioptaichte. Ma tha thu dìreach air an cunntas seo a chruthachadh, feuch is atharraich an "Dòigh dearbhaidh" gu "Facal-faire àbhaisteach" ann an "Roghainnean a' chunntais | Roghainnean an fhrithealaiche". Nam b' àbhaist dha a bhith ag obair mar bu chòir is ma dh'fhàillig e gu h-obann, seo suidheachadh cumanta far am b' urrainn do chuideigin am facal-faire agad a ghoid.
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