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Entity en-US gd
Entity # all locales mail • installer •
$BrandShortName is a full-featured email application. $BrandShortName supports IMAP and POP mail protocols, as well as HTML mail formatting. Built-in junk mail controls, RSS capabilities, powerful quick search, spell check as you type, global inbox, and advanced message filtering round out $BrandShortName's modern feature set.
'S e prògram iomlan airson a' phuist-dhealain a tha ann an $BrandShortName. Tha $BrandShortName a' comasach air pròtacalan puist IMAP is POP agus fòrmatadh puist-dhealain. Tha seata iomlan de dh'fheartan ùr-nodha agad leis na gheibh thu de dh'uidheaman-smachd air post-truilleis, feartan CSS, grad-rannsachadh cumhachdach, ceartachadh an litreachaidh mar aon, ion-bhogsa cruinneil is criathradh theachdaireachdan adhartach ann an $BrandShortName.
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