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Entity # all locales dom • chrome • netError.dtd
<p>The browser is configured to use a proxy server, but the proxy could not be found.</p><ul><li>Is the browser’s proxy configuration correct? Check the settings and try again.</li><li>Is the computer connected to an active network?</li><li>Still having trouble? Consult your network administrator or Internet provider for assistance.</li></ul>
<p>Il navigatur è vegnì configurà per l'utilisaziun d'in proxy server, ma i n'è betg stà pussibel da chattar il proxy.</p><ul><li>Èn las configuraziuns da proxy correctas? Controlleschails parameters ed emprova lura anc ina giada.</li><li>Permetta il servetsch da proxy connexiuns or da questa rait?</li><li>Na funcziuneschi anc adina betg? Contactescha l'administratur da la rait u il provider e dumonda agid.</li></ul>
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