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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • privacy • faq.ftl
{ -brand-name-mozilla } is not your average organization. Founded as a community open source project in 1998, { -brand-name-mozilla } is a mission-driven organization working towards a more healthy internet. The majority of { -brand-name-mozilla-corporation }’s revenue is from royalties earned through { -brand-name-firefox } web browser search partnerships and distribution deals around the world. You can learn more about how we make money in our <a href="{ $link }">annual financial report</a>.
{ -brand-name-mozilla } pe obedo dul mamegi ma tye ladyere dyere. Kicako calo purujek ma tye ayaba pa lwak i mwaka 1998, { -brand-name-mozilla } obedo dul ma miti aye dwoyo matiyo pi intanet ma opore kato. Pol cente ma { -brand-name-mozilla } Corporation coko bino ki i cul ma kinongo ki i cato wil me yeny pa layeny kakube me { -brand-name-firefox } ki pok me cat ki wil i but wilobo. Itwero nongo ngec mapol ikom kit ma tiyo kwede cente i <a href="{ $link }">ripot wa me lok kom lim ma bino mwaka ki mwaka</a>.
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