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Entity # all locales toolkit • chrome • global • mozilla.dtd
The Beast adopted <em>new raiment</em> and studied the ways of <em>Time</em> and <em>Space</em> and <em>Light</em> and the <em>Flow</em> of energy through the Universe. From its studies, the Beast fashioned new structures from <em>oxidised metal</em> and proclaimed their glories. And the Beast’s followers rejoiced, finding renewed purpose in these <em>teachings</em>.
La Bestia adoptó una <em>vistimienta nueva</em> y estudió les formes del <em>tiempu</em>, l'<em>espaciu</em>, la <em>lluz</em> y el <em>fluxu</em> d'enerxía que percurren l'universu. De los sos descubrimientos, la Bestia modeló estructures nueves dende'l <em>metal oxidáu</em> y proclamó les sos glories. Entós, los siguidores de la Bestia allegráronse, atopando un propósitu nuevu nesti <em>enseñu</em>.
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