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Entity en bs
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • facebook_container.ftl
We’re backed by <a href="{ $mozilla }">{ -brand-name-mozilla }</a>, the not-for-profit organization that puts people over profit to give everyone more power online. We created this extension because we believe that you should have easy-to-use tools that help you manage your privacy and security.
Podupire nas <a href="{ $mozilla }">{ -brand-name-mozilla }</a>, neprofitna organizacija koja stavlja ljude ispred profita kako bi dala svima više snage na mreži. Kreirali smo ovo proširenje jer vjerujemo da biste trebali imati alate jednostavne za korištenje koji će vam pomoći u upravljanju vašom privatnošću i sigurnošću.
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