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These principles will not come to life on their own. People are needed to make the internet open and participatory - people acting as individuals, working together in groups, and leading others. The { -brand-name-mozilla-foundation } is committed to advancing the principles set out in the { -brand-name-mozilla } Manifesto. We invite others to join us and make the internet an ever better place for everyone.
Aquests principis no s'establiran per si sols. Cal que la gent faci Internet oberta i participativa -les persones com a individus, treballant plegades en grups o liderant equips. La { -brand-name-mozilla-foundation } està compromesa a promoure els principis establerts al Manifest de { -brand-name-mozilla }. Us convidem a unir-vos a nosaltres i a fer d'Internet un lloc encara millor per a tothom.
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