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Entity en-US cak
Entity # all locales browser • browser • preferences • preferences.ftl
{ -brand-short-name } encountered an error and didn’t save this change. Note that setting this update preference requires permission to write to the file below. You or a system administrator may be able resolve the error by granting the Users group full control to this file. Could not write to file: { $path }
{ -brand-short-name } xrïl jun sachoj ruma ri' toq man xuyäk ta re jaloj re'. Tatz'eta' chi re runuk'ulem re rajowab'al jaloj re' nrajo' chi niya' q'ij richin nitz'ib'äx pa ri yakb'äl. Rik'in jub'a' rat o jun runuk'samajel q'inoj yixtikïr nisöl re sachoj, rik'in ruchajixik chijun ri yakb'äl ruma ri molaj okisanela'. Man tikirel ta xtz'ib'äx chupam ri yakb'äl: { $path }
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