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Entity en-US cak
Entity # all locales browser • browser • preferences • preferences.ftl
{ -brand-short-name } encountered an error and didn’t save this change. Note that changing this update setting requires permission to write to the file below. You or a system administrator may be able resolve the error by granting the Users group full control to this file. Could not write to file: { $path }
{ -brand-short-name } xrïl jun sachoj ruma ri' toq man xuyäk ta re jaloj re'. Tatz'eta' chi re runuk'ulem jaloj re' nrajo' chi niya' q'ij richin nitz'ib'äx pa ri yakb'äl. Rik'in jub'a' rat o jun runuk'samajel q'inoj yixtikïr nisöl re sachoj, rik'in ruchajixik chijun ri yakb'äl ruma ri molaj okisanela'. Man tikirel ta xtz'ib'äx chupam ri yakb'äl: { $path }
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