
Displaying 1 result:

Entity en-US cak
Entity # all locales dom • chrome • layout •
Detected UTF-16-encoded Basic Latin-only text without a byte order mark and without a transfer protocol-level declaration. Encoding this content in UTF-16 is inefficient and the character encoding should have been declared in any case.
Xilitäj k'atzinel aj latin wuj nuk'un achi'el UTF-16 majun retal rucholajil b'it chuqa' majun ruq'alajirisanem q'axanïk pa ruchojwi' b'eyal samaj. Tinuk' re rupam re' pa UTF-16 man ütz ta chuqa' ri kinuk'ik taq tz'ib' k'o ta chi keq'alajisäx pa xab'achike rub'anik.
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