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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • compare • brave.ftl
{ -brand-name-brave }’s advertising replacement idea is a twist on the current model of paid ad placement and paid search. But again, some busy Internet users will probably not want to get too involved with the management of micro payments to sites in exchange for their time and attention.
Ri runa'oj richin nuk'ëx rub'eyal nrelesaj eltzijol ri { -brand-name-brave }, jun k'exoj rik'in ri rub'eyal richin nik'ut ri tojon eltzijol chuqa' tojon kanoxïk. Jumul chik, jujun taq rokisanela' k'amaya'l rik'in jub'a' man nikajo' ta niketama jpa ruwi' chi rij ri rusamajixik ko'öl taq kitojik ruxaq akuchi' nikik'ëx rik'in ri kiyamaj chuqa' kitzub'al.
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