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The { -brand-name-brave } browser, like so many others, is built on the open-source { -brand-name-chromium } code by { -brand-name-google }. Open-source means anyone can use the source code and piggy-back on top of it to build whatever they want — like the <a { $opera }>{ -brand-name-opera }</a> and <a { $edge }>{ -brand-name-edge }</a> browsers. But it doesn’t mean that all { -brand-name-chromium }-based browsers are equal or are themselves open source.
Ri { -brand-name-brave } okik'amaya'l, achi'el ch'aqa' chik, nuk'un rik'in jaqäl-rub'itz'ib' { -brand-name-chromium } richin { -brand-name-google }. Jaqäl-b'itz'ib' nel chi tzij chi xab'achike nitikïr nrokisaj ri ruxe' b'itz'ib' richin nunük' — ri nrajo' achi'el ri <a { $opera }>{ -brand-name-opera }</a> chuqa' <a { $edge }>{ -brand-name-edge }</a> taq okik'amaya'l. Man qitzij ta chi konojel ri taq okik'amaya'l kojqan { -brand-name-chromium } e junam o jaqäl kokem.
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