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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • compare • chrome.ftl
Both { -brand-name-chrome } and { -brand-name-firefox } also allow you to sync things like passwords, bookmarks, and open tabs across all your devices. If you have a { -brand-name-firefox } account, you can manually send an open tab on your desktop to your mobile device or vice versa. With { -brand-name-chrome }, it’s done automatically if you’ve chosen that setting in your preferences. Not having to manually send the tab from one device to the other is convenient when you want to do something like continue reading an article you didn’t finish earlier. But there could be times where automatic syncing might not be ideal if there’s a chance multiple users are browsing while signed in to your { -brand-name-google } account.
Ri { -brand-name-chrome } ke ri chuqa' ri { -brand-name-firefox } chuqa' nikiya' q'ij richin ye'axïm ewan taq tzij, taq yaketal chuqa' taq jaqon ruwi' pa ronojel awokisab'al. We k'o jun rub'i' ataqoya'l richin { -brand-name-firefox }, yatikïr natäq jun jaqon ruwi' pan akematz'ib' pan awoyonib'al. Rik'in ri { -brand-name-chrome } pa ruyonil nib'anatäj we acha'on kan pa rajowab'al. Ütz nitaq chi q'ab'aj ri ruwi' jun okisab'äl pa jun chik toq k'a nawajo' nasik'ij jun cholna'oj man xak'ïs ta rusik'ixik. Rik'in jub'a' k'o ramaj akuchi' ri ruyon niximon man ruk'amon toq k'o okisanela' e'okinäq pa k'amaya'l toq natikirisaj molojri'ïl pa rub'i' ataqoya'l richin { -brand-name-google }.
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