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Alarmingly, 4 to 5% of all desktop web traffic came through { -brand-name-ie } as recently as 2019. That might not seem like a lot, but in reality it means millions of people are being served a poor internet experience with slow loading and rendering times, pages that won’t display properly — all on top of the security issues already discussed.
K'ayew chi 4 k'a 5% ri nib'anatäj pa ajk'amaya'l richin ajch'atal xb'anatäj rik'in { -brand-name-ie }, yojch'o chi rij ri 2019. Rik'in jub'a' jub'a' ok, po ri nuq'ajuj chi yeb'uchu' ri winaqi' jub'a' ketamab'al nikïl pa k'amaya'l akuchi' yalan eqal yesamäj chuqa' nikib'än renterisar, ruxaq man ütz ta yewachin — chuqa' ri k'ayewal chi rij jikomal xtzijöx yan rij.
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