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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • compare • ie.ftl
As { -brand-name-microsoft } has made the move to sunset the { -brand-name-ie } browser, it no longer supports any version for { -brand-name-ios }, and has never been available for { -brand-name-android }. Which means unless you’re running a Windows-based laptop or desktop, you won’t have access to your bookmarks, browsing history, saved passwords, and other information that modern browsers sync across devices.
Achi'el { -brand-name-microsoft } xrelesaj ri okik'amaya'l { -brand-name-ie }, man nuk'äm ta chik ri' pa xab'achike ruwa richin { -brand-name-ios }, chuqa' majub'ey xk'oje' richin { -brand-name-android }. Ri nuq'ajuj chi we nawokisaj jun kematz'ib' k'o Windows chupam, xa xe chi ri toq yatikïr yatok pa taq ayaketal, runatab'al awokem pa k'amaya'l, yakon ewan taq tzij chuqa' ch'aqa' etamab'äl, ri yekixïm ri k'ak'a' taq okik'amaya'l pa ronojel ri taq okik'amaya'l.
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