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So what’s the solution if your company is running outdated apps that only work on { -brand-name-ie }? Our best advice for you personally is, don’t mix business with pleasure. The simple thing to do is download and use a more secure browser like { -brand-name-firefox }. Then, if you need to do things like check your personal email or shop online, you can just switch over to the more secure browser. The bottom line is, if { -brand-name-microsoft } is warning people not to use { -brand-name-ie }, don’t use it. Your online privacy and security are not worth risking because you (or your company) have a hard time breaking an old habit. We make { -brand-name-firefox } with security and privacy features like <a { $lockwise }>{ -brand-name-lockwise }</a>, our password manager, private browsing and lots of other add-ons that help us make the web safer for you. Also, our <a { $privacy }>Privacy Policy</a> is straightforward: we tell you what we know about you, and why we collect that information. All of these things obviously go beyond what { -brand-name-ie } offers, and even what other modern browsers like { -brand-name-google } { -brand-name-chrome } and { -brand-name-microsoft } { -brand-name-edge } offer.
¿Achike k'o chi nub'än ri ak'aymoloj we xa xe ojer taq chokoy nrokisaj, ri xa xe yesamäj pa { -brand-name-ie }? Niqab'ij chawe chi man taxöl ri k'ayloq'oj rik'in ri ajowanïk. Ri man k'ayew ta ja ri taqasaj chuqa' tawokisaj jun jikïl okik'amaya'l achi'el ri { -brand-name-firefox }. K'a ri we nawajo' nanik'oj ri ataqoya'l o yaloq'on pa k'amab'ey, yatikïr najäl rik'in ri jikïl okik'amaya'l. Pa ruk'isib'äl tzij, we ri { -brand-name-microsoft } nub'ij chi ke ri winäq chi man tikokisaj { -brand-name-ie }, man tawokisaj. K'ayew nub'än ruma niketz'ab'ej ri awichinanem chuqa' ri ajikomal pa k'amab'ey ruma chi rat (o ri ak'aymoloj) k'ayew nub'än chawäch richin naya' kan. Xqatz'ük { -brand-name-firefox } rik'in jikomal chuqa' ichinanem achi'el <a { $lockwise }>{ -brand-name-lockwise }</a>, ri nuk'asmajel ewan qatzij, ichinan okem pa k'amaya'l rik'in ch'aqa' chik taq tz'aqat yojkito' chi ri ajk'amaya'l tijike' chawäch. Ke ri' chuqa' ri <a { $privacy }>Ruan'ojil Ichinanenm</a> man k'ayew ta: niqab'ij chawe ri qetaman chawij chuqa' achike ruma xqamöl ri etamab'äl ri'. Ronojel ri' nïm chuwa ri nusüj { -brand-name-ie }, achi'el chuqa' ri nikisüj ch'aqa' k'ak'a' taq okik'amaya'l achi'el { -brand-name-google } { -brand-name-chrome } chuqa' { -brand-name-microsoft } { -brand-name-edge }.
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