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In addition to privacy protection, which largely takes place in the background of the browser, another key ingredient to a well-made browser is the actual user interface and functionality. Almost all six browsers are equal when it comes to tab browsing, bookmark management, auto-completion, proofreading and extensions. { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-edge } and { -brand-name-opera } also offer a quick screenshot function that proves to be quite handy and is definitely something you notice is missing when you switch over to a browser without it.
Rik'in ri ruchajixik ichinanem, nik'ulwachitäj pa ri ruka'n b'ey, jun retal chi jun okik'amaya'l yalan ütz rub'anikil ja ri ruk'amal winäq chuqa' ri rusamaj. B'ama e junam ri waqi' okik'amaya'l toq yetz'et ri taq ruwi', runuk'ik yaketal, ruyonil nutz'aqatisaj, runik'oxik chuqa' taq k'amal. { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-edge } chuqa' { -brand-name-opera } chuqa' nikisüj jun chapoj ruwa', ri yalan k'atzinel, ja ri' natz'ët chi man k'o ta toq najäq jun okik'amaya'l.
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