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It’s not unreasonable to expect a high level of data protection and privacy from the products we regularly use to get online. At a minimum, a browser should offer some version of “private browsing mode” that automatically deletes your history and search history so other users on the same computer can’t access it. In this area, all six of the browsers compared here score points.
K'atzinel noyob'ëx jun nïm kichajik tzij chuqa' kichinanem taq k'ayij, ri yeqokisaj toq öj k'o pa k'amab'ey. Jun okik'amaya'l ütz we xa xe ok nusüj jun ko'öl ruwäch “ichinan okem rub'anikil” ri nuyüj pa ruyonil ronojel ri anatab'al richin okem pa k'amaya'l chuqa' richin kanoxïk richin ri juley chik winäq man yetikïr ta nikitz'ët toq nikokisaj ri asamajib'al. Pa re k'ojlib'äl re', ri waqi' okik'amaya'l yejunamäx wawe' k'o nikich'äk.
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