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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • compare • safari.ftl
{ -brand-name-firefox } also offers a similar sync feature when you sign up for a free <a { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-firefox-account }</a> that enables users to easily synchronize their bookmarks, browsing history, preferences, passwords, filled forms, add-ons, and the last 25 opened tabs across multiple computers. What sets { -brand-name-firefox } apart from { -brand-name-safari } is that it is available on any desktop or mobile platform, { -brand-name-ios }, { -brand-name-android }, { -brand-name-windows } or { -brand-name-macos }, boosting its portability across any device you may own.
{ -brand-name-firefox } nusüj chuqa' jun samajib'äl richin ximoj toq natz'ib'aj ab'i' richin jun sipan <a { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-firefox-account }</a> ri nuya' q'ij chi ke ri okisanela' richin anin ye'axïm ri taq ayaketal, kinatab'al okem pa k'amaya'l, taq ajowab'äl, ewan taq tzij, etz'aqatisan pa nojwuj, taq tz'aqat chuqa' ri ruk'isib'äl 25 jaqon taq ruwi' chi kikojol jalajöj taq molaj. Ri nijachon { -brand-name-firefox } rik'in { -brand-name-safari } chi k'o pa xab'achike kematz'ib' o runuk'uche'el oyonib'äl, { -brand-name-ios }, { -brand-name-android }, { -brand-name-windows } o { -brand-name-macos }, ri nunimirisaj ruk'waxik pa xab'achike okisab'äl xtik'oje' pan aq'a'.
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