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In addition to the regular set of features you’d expect in a browser, such as tabbed browsing and private browsing, { -brand-name-safari } has some unexpected features as well. For instance, if a user were to right-click a word anywhere on a page inside { -brand-name-safari }, then click Look Up, they’d get a dictionary definition plus entries from the thesaurus, { -brand-name-app-store }, movies and more. { -brand-name-safari }’s Parental Controls are easy to customize, allowing the adults to breathe a little easier when the kids begin to get curious about the internet.
Rik'in ri molaj taq samaj ruk'amon pe jun okik'amaya'l, achi'el ri okem pa k'amaya'l rik'in ruwi' chuqa' ri ichinan okem pa k'amaya'l, { -brand-name-safari } chuqa' k'o jun chik taq rusamaj. Achi'el, we jun okisanel nupïtz ri rajkiq'a' rupitz'b'al pa ruwi' jun tzij pa xab'achike ruxaq pa { -brand-name-safari }, k'a ri nipitz pa Tikanöx, nrïl jun ruq'ajarik pa soltzij chuqa' ch'aqa' chik rutzij soltzij junam kiq'ajarïk, { -brand-name-app-store }, taq silowachil chuqa' ch'aqa' chik. Ri taq rusamajib'al { -brand-name-safari } man k'ayew ta nib'an kinuk'ulem, ri nub'än chi ke ri winaqi' majun kik'ayewal toq ri ak'wala' nikajo' nikinik'oj ri k'amaya'l.
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