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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • compare • safari.ftl
Like { -brand-name-safari }, we at { -brand-name-firefox } have made a point of focusing on privacy and security. But unlike { -brand-name-safari }, we’ve been standing on the privacy soap box for a long time. In fact, { -brand-name-mozilla } (our parent company) was one of the first voices in the tech community to sound the alarm for online privacy.
Achi'el ri { -brand-name-safari }, pa ri { -brand-name-firefox } niqaya' rejqalem ri ichinanem chuqqa' ri jikomal. Po pa rujunamaxik rik'in { -brand-name-safari }, ojer chik tiqajikib'a' pe ri ichinanem. Achi'el ri { -brand-name-mozilla } (ruxe'el qamoloj) xch'o nab'ey chi rij ri na'ob'äl tinamital, akuchi' xuya' rutzijol k'ayewal chi rij ri ichinanem pa k'amab'ey.
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