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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • windows-64-bit.ftl
Users on 64-bit { -brand-name-windows } who download { -brand-name-firefox } can get our 64-bit version by default. That means you get a more secure version of { -brand-name-firefox }, one that also <a href="{ $crashes }">crashes a whole lot less</a>. How much less? In our tests so far, 64-bit { -brand-name-firefox } reduced crashes by 39% on machines with 4GB of RAM or more.
Ri rokisanela' 64-bit { -brand-name-windows } nikiqasaj ri { -brand-name-firefox } yetikïr nikik'ül ri 64-bit ruwäch k'o. Ri ri' nuq'ajuj chi nuk'ül jun ütz ruwäch { -brand-name-firefox }, jun ri chuqa' <a href="{ $crashes }">man kan ta nuq'ät ri'</a>. Achi'el qatz'eton? Pa taq qatojtob'enik k'a wakami, 64-bit { -brand-name-firefox }, xuqasaj ri q'atoj pa jun 39% pa taq samajib'äl rik'in 4GB richin RAM o jotöl.
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