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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • features • adblocker.ftl
To start, click on the { -brand-name-firefox } menu in the top right-hand corner of your screen. It looks like three lines stacked on top of each other. In the drop-down menu, click on Content Blocking. You should see a blue pop-up with different selections.
Richin nitikirisäx, tapitz'a' pa ri ruk'utsamaj { -brand-name-firefox }, pa ri rajsik rajkiq'a' rutz'ik ruwäch. Akuchi' yewachin oxi' juch' kiwarab'en ki'. Pa ri k'utsamaj niq'alajin, tacha' Ruq'atik Rupam. K'o ta chi natz'ët jun elenel xar kajtz'ik rik'in jalajoj taq cha'oj.
Please enable JavaScript. Some features won't be available without it.