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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • features • fast.ftl
Multi-tasking with multiple tabs just got easier. { -brand-name-firefox } is now a multi-process browser, which means that your tabs stay fresh and won’t take forever to reload. With 86% less hang time, switch quickly between tabs even as you open more.
Ri k'ïy samaj kik'in k'ïy taq ruwi', wakami man k'ayew ta. Ri { -brand-name-firefox } wakami jun rokik'amaya'l ri k'ïy tajinïk, ri nuq'ajuj chi ri taq ruwi' junelïk man yek'atanär ta chuqa' man xkeyoke' ta richin yesamäj. Rik'in jun 86% qajnäq chi ri ri ramaj richin oyob'enïk, aninäq ke'ajalala' ri taq ruwi', achi'el chuqa' toq yejaq ch'aqa' chik.
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