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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • features • independent.ftl
{ -brand-name-firefox } is built by a non-profit. That means we can do things that others can’t, like build new products and features without a hidden agenda. We champion your right to privacy with tools like Private Browsing with Tracking Protection.
Xnuk' ri { -brand-name-firefox } ruma k'ïy achoq uma. Ri ri' nuq'ajuj chi yojtikïr niqasamajij ri man yetikïr ta nikib'än ri ch'aqa' chik, achi'el kinuk'ik ch'aqa' chik taq tikojil chuqa' taq b'anikil ri man e'ewan ta. Niqato' ri ach'ojib'al richin ichinanem rik'in samajib'äl achi'el ri ichinan okem pa K'amaya'l rik'in Chajinïk chuwäch Ojqanïk.
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