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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • nightly • whatsnew.ftl
Do you experience crashes? Unexpected behavior? Web compatibility regressions? We’d love to get them filed in <a href="{ $bugzilla }">{ -brand-name-bugzilla }</a> to make sure they don’t make it to the final release (extra karma if you add the <em>{ -brand-name-nightly }-community</em> keyword to your bug reports)!
¿La k'o awetamab'al? ¿La k'o k'ate' taq na'oj? ¿La yetzolïx k'amonel taq ajk'amaya'l? Niqajo' chi taya' q'ij chi nikokisaj <a href="{ $bugzilla }">{ -brand-name-bugzilla }</a> richin nijikib'äx chi man nib'anatäj ta rik'in ri ruk'isib'äl ruwäch (tz'aqät ruchuq'a' we nitz'aqatisäx <em>{ -brand-name-nightly }-community</em>) ewan taq tzij kichin ri kitzijol taq sachoj)!
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