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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • privacy • faq.ftl
{ -brand-name-firefox }, the web browser that runs on your device or computer, is your gateway to the internet. Your browser will manage a lot of information about the websites you visit, but that information stays on your device. { -brand-name-mozilla }, the company that makes { -brand-name-firefox }, doesn’t collect it (unless you ask us to).
{ -brand-name-firefox }, ri okik'amaya'l nisamäj pan awoyonib'al o pan akematz'ib', ja atzub'al ri' pan K'amaya'l. Ri awokik'amaya'l xtusamajij k'ïy etamab'äl chi kij ri taq ruxaq ye'atz'ët, xa xe chi ri etamab'äl ri' nikanaj kan pan awokisab'al. { -brand-name-mozilla }, ri nimamoloj nub'än { -brand-name-firefox }, man nuyäk ta (xa xe we nak'utuj chi qe).
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