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Entity en-US cak
Entity # all locales toolkit • toolkit • featuregates • features.ftl
Adds an option to simulate different color schemes allowing you to test <a data-l10n-name="mdn-preferscolorscheme">@prefers-color-scheme</a> media queries. Using this media query lets your stylesheet respond to whether the user prefers a light or dark user interface. This feature lets you test your code without having to change settings in your browser (or operating system, if the browser follows a system-wide color scheme setting). See <a data-l10n-name="bugzilla1">bug 1550804</a> and <a data-l10n-name="bugzilla2">bug 1137699</a> for more details.
Titz'aqatisäx jun cha'oj richin yetojtob'ëx jalajöj taq kichib'enik b'onil, nikiya' q'ij chawe richin ye'atz'ét taq q'ojom <a data-l10n-name="mdn-preferscolorscheme">@prefers-color-scheme</a>. Ri rokisaxik re samaj re' nuya' q'ij chi ri ruxaq b'anikil tutzolij pe tzij chi rij we ri okisanel nrajo' jun ruk'amal okisanel q'equm o säq ruwa. Re re' nuya' q'ij chawe natojtob'ej ri b'itz'ib' akuchi' man najäl ta ri runuk'ulem okik'amaya'l (o ri rusamajel q'inoj we ri okik'amaya'l nrojqaj jun runuk'ulem ruchib'enik b'onil jikib'an richin chijun ri q'inoj). Tatz'eta' <a data-l10n-name="bugzilla1">bug 1550804</a> chuqa' <a data-l10n-name="bugzilla2">bug 1137699</a> richin ch'aqa' retal.
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