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Entity en-US cy
Entity # all locales mail • chrome • messenger •
If you store this account's new mail in a different account's Inbox, you will no longer be able to access already downloaded e-mail for this account. If you have mail in this account, please copy it to another account first.\n\nIf you have filters that filter mail into this account, you should disable them or change the destination folder. If any accounts have special folders in this account (Sent, Drafts, Templates, Archives, Junk), you should change them to be in another account.\n\nDo you still want to store this account's e-mail in a different account?
Os ydych yn cadw e-bost newydd y cyfrif mewn Blwch Derbyn cyfrif gwahanol, ni fydd modd i chi gael mynediad at e-byst y cyfrif hwn sydd eisoes wedi eu llwytho i lawr. Os oes gennych e-byst yn y cyfrif hwn, copïwch nhw i gyfrif arall yn gyntaf.\n\nOs oes gennych hidlau sy'n hidlo e-bost i'r cyfrif hwn, dylech eu hanalluogi neu newid y ffolder targed. Os oes gan unrhyw gyfrif ffolderi arbennig yn y cyfrif hwn (Anfonwyd, Drafftiau, Templedi, Archifau, Sbam) dylech eu newid i gyfrif arall.\n\n A ydych dal eisiau cadw e-bost y cyfrif mewn cyfrif gwahanol?
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