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As { -brand-name-microsoft } has made the move to sunset the { -brand-name-ie } browser, it no longer supports any version for { -brand-name-ios }, and has never been available for { -brand-name-android }. Which means unless you’re running a Windows-based laptop or desktop, you won’t have access to your bookmarks, browsing history, saved passwords, and other information that modern browsers sync across devices.
Gan fod { -brand-name-microsoft } wedi symud i gau { -brand-name-ie }, nid yw bellach yn cefnogi unrhyw fersiwn ar gyfer { -brand-name-ios }, ac ni fu erioed ar gael ar gyfer { -brand-name-android }. Sy'n golygu oni bai eich bod chi'n rhedeg gliniadur neu fwrdd gwaith Windows, nid oes gennych fynediad i'ch nodau tudalen, hanes pori, cyfrineiriau wedi'u cadw, na manylion arall y mae porwyr modern yn ei gydweddu ar draws dyfeisiau.
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