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In addition to the regular set of features you’d expect in a browser, such as tabbed browsing and private browsing, { -brand-name-safari } has some unexpected features as well. For instance, if a user were to right-click a word anywhere on a page inside { -brand-name-safari }, then click Look Up, they’d get a dictionary definition plus entries from the thesaurus, { -brand-name-app-store }, movies and more. { -brand-name-safari }’s Parental Controls are easy to customize, allowing the adults to breathe a little easier when the kids begin to get curious about the internet.
Yn ogystal â'r set arferol o nodweddion y byddech chi'n eu disgwyl mewn porwr, fel pori gyda thabiau a phori preifat, mae gan { -brand-name-safari } rai nodweddion annisgwyl hefyd. Er enghraifft, pe bai defnyddiwr yn rhoi clic de ar air yn unrhyw le ar dudalen o fewn i { -brand-name-safari }, yna clicio Look Up, bydd diffiniad geiriadur yn ymddangos ynghyd â chofnodion o'r thesawrws, yr { -brand-name-app-store }, ffilmiau a rhagor. Mae Rheoli Rhiant { -brand-name-safari } yn hawdd eu cyfaddasu, gan ganiatáu i'r oedolion gael ychydig o dawelwch meddwl pan fydd y plant yn dechrau mynd yn chwilfrydig am y rhyngrwyd.
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