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In the end, it just boils down to what you value in your browser. If you’re integrated with the { -brand-name-apple } ecosystem, { -brand-name-safari } is still a great choice. But if you value having the latest and greatest privacy protections and being able to work across multiple operating systems, we think { -brand-name-firefox } is your best bet. { -brand-name-firefox } is also a solid option as a secondary browser for those { -brand-name-apple }-exclusive users who may want to switch into a different browser for those online moments that call for extra layers of privacy protection.
Yn y diwedd, mae'n dod lawr i'r hyn rydych chi'n ei werthfawrogi yn eich porwr. Os ydych chi wedi'ch integreiddio ag ecosystem { -brand-name-apple }, mae { -brand-name-safari } yn dal i fod yn ddewis gwych. Ond os ydych chi'n gwerthfawrogi cael yr diogelwch preifatrwydd mwyaf a diweddaraf , a'r gallu i weithio ar draws sawl system weithredu, rydyn ni'n credu mai { -brand-name-firefox } yw eich dewis gorau. Mae { -brand-name-firefox } hefyd yn opsiwn cadarn fel ail borwr ar gyfer y defnyddwyr { -brand-name-apple }-yn bennaf hynny sydd eisiau gallu newid i borwr gwahanol ar gyfer yr eiliadau ar-lein hynny sy'n galw am haenau ychwanegol o preifatrwydd diogel.
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