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Since { -brand-name-safari } is { -brand-name-apple }’s proprietary web browser, its iCloud syncing works exclusively with { -brand-name-apple } products. This can be somewhat limiting if, for example, you’re both an { -brand-name-android } user and an { -brand-name-iphone } user or if you have a { -brand-name-windows } based PC for work but use an { -brand-name-iphone } as your personal device.
Gan mai { -brand-name-safari } yw porwr gwe perchnogol { -brand-name-apple }, mae ei gydweddu gydag iCloud yn gweithio'n unig gyda chynnyrch { -brand-name-apple }. Gall hyn gyfyngu rywfaint arnoch, er enghraifft, os ydych chi'n ddefnyddiwr { -brand-name-android } ac yn ddefnyddiwr { -brand-name-iphone } neu os oes gennych gyfrifiadur personol { -brand-name-windows } ar gyfer gwaith ond yn defnyddio { -brand-name-iphone } fel eich dyfais bersonol.
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