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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • features • independent.ftl
{ -brand-name-firefox } is built by a non-profit. That means we can do things that others can’t, like build new products and features without a hidden agenda. We champion your right to privacy with tools like Private Browsing with Tracking Protection.
Mae { -brand-name-firefox } yn cael ei adeiladu gan gorff nid-er-elw. Mae hynny'n golygu y gallwn wneud pethau nad oes mod i eraill eu gwneud, fel adeiladu cynnyrch a nodweddion newydd heb agenda gudd. Rydym yn hyrwyddo eich hawl i breifatrwydd gydag offer fel Pori Preifat gyda Diogelwch rhag Tracio.
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