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Also, when you sign up for a { -brand-name-firefox } account you get access to some unique services like Screenshots, <a { $pocket }>{ -brand-name-pocket }</a> and <a { $send }>{ -brand-name-send }</a> that integrate directly into the browser. Screenshots is a feature built right into the { -brand-name-firefox } browser, allowing you to copy or download any or all part of a web page. When you save the screenshot, you can also choose which folder you want to find it in, instead of cluttering your desktop. The { -brand-name-pocket } for { -brand-name-firefox } button lets you save web pages and videos to { -brand-name-pocket } in just one click, so you can read a clean, distraction-free version whenever and wherever you want — even offline. With { -brand-name-send }, you can share large files with end-to-end encryption and a variety of security controls, such as the ability to set an expiration time for a file link to expire, the number of downloads, and whether to add an optional password for an extra layer of security.
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