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At { -brand-name-firefox }, we have a huge number of dedicated users who appreciate our steadfast dedication to online privacy. For example, the latest version of { -brand-name-firefox } includes a feature called Enhanced Tracking Protection (ETP) which is turned on by default for all users worldwide. ETP blocks over 2,000 trackers, including social trackers from companies like { -brand-name-facebook }, { -brand-name-twitter }, and LinkedIn. It also has an integrated feature called <a { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-firefox-monitor }</a> that automatically notifies you if your password has been breached or needs to be updated. In addition to these protections, { -brand-name-firefox }'s Private Browsing mode automatically deletes your browsing information such as history and cookies, leaving no trace after you finish your session.
Pla { -brand-name-firefox } mamy wjelicku licbu angažěrowanych wužywarjow, kótarež se naše stawne wěnowanje priwatnosći online waže. Nejnowša wersija { -brand-name-firefox } na pśikład funkciju z mjenim Pólěpšony slědowański šćit (ETP) wopśimujo, kótaryž jo pó standarźe zmóžnjony za wšych wužywarjow na cełem swěśe. ETP pśez 2000 pśeslědowakow blokěrujo, inkluziwnje pśeslědowaki socialnych medijow ako { -brand-name-facebook }, { -brand-name-twitter } a LinkedIn. Ma teke integrěrowanu funkciju z mjenim <a { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-firefox-monitor }</a>, kótaraž was awtomatiski informěrujo, jolic wašo gronidło jo złamane abo musy se aktualizěrowaś. Mimo toś togo šćita priwatny modus { -brand-name-firefox } awtomatiski waše pśeglědowańske informacije, na pśikład historiju a cookieje, lašujo a njezawóstaju žedne slědy, za tym až sćo skóńcył swójo pósejźenje.
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