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Using a browser that blocks third-party trackers isn’t just important for privacy — it usually means it runs much faster, too. Most trackers are just scripts that run in the background on a number of websites. You can’t see them, but you can feel them slowing down your browser. As of version 67 of { -brand-name-firefox }, fingerprinting and cryptominers are also blocked. If you’re not familiar with cryptominers, here’s an example of how they can affect you: maybe you’ve experienced your computer suddenly running hotter or the battery depleting faster than normal. That’s often the byproduct of cryptominers creeping around on your device.
Wužywanje wobglědowaka, kótaryž pśeslědowaki tśeśich póbitowarjow blokěrujo, njejo nic jano za priwatnosć wažne - groni teke zwětšego, až wobglědowak malsnjej běžy. Wjele pśeslědowakow je jadnorje skripty, kótarež na wjele websedłach w slězynje běže. Njamóžośo je wiźeś, ale móžośo je cuś, gaž se waš wobgladowak spómałšujo. Wót wersije { -brand-name-firefox } 67 se palcowe wótśišće a kryptokopaki blokěruju. Jolic se z kryptokopakami njewuznawaśo, how jo pśikład, kak mógu was pótrjefiś: Snaź sćo dožywił, až je se wašo licadło naraz pśeśopliło abo baterija jo se wuprozniła malsnej ako howac. To jo cesto pódlański wucynk, gaž kryptokopaki na wašom rěźe kśajźu łaze.
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