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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • privacy • book.ftl
<strong>We love social media!</strong> However, these websites (and others) might not work properly when you’re browsing privately: They will not only track what you do while being logged in, but also your activities beyond the respective network that takes place in the same browser window. For them, your browsing information is particularly valuable because they’re able to connect it to your account and might ultimately get to know you better than some of your best friends. Worried? No need to, { -brand-name-firefox } is here to help: Get the { -brand-name-facebook-container } extension, which makes it harder for { -brand-name-facebook } to track you on the web outside of { -brand-name-facebook }.
<strong>We love social media!</strong> However, these websites (and others) might not work properly when you’re browsing privately: They will not only track what you do while being logged in, but also your activities beyond the respective network that takes place in the same browser window. For them, your browsing information is particularly valuable because they’re able to connect it to your account and might ultimately get to know you better than some of your best friends. Worried? No need to, { -brand-name-firefox } is here to help: Get the { -brand-name-facebook-container } extension, which makes it harder for { -brand-name-facebook } to track you on the web outside of { -brand-name-facebook }.
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