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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • compare • brave.ftl
Customization of UI elements and themes have been a favorite feature of { -brand-name-firefox } users for years and our avid community of developers have created a <a { $addons }>vast library</a> of open source add-ons and extensions allowing for even more personalization and functionality. Features that come with { -brand-name-firefox } when you download include our powerful <a { $screenshot }>screenshots tool</a>, accessibility features and integration with <a { $pocket }>{ -brand-name-pocket }</a> — a resource that lets users quickly save an article for later reading on any device.
Customization of UI elements and themes have been a favorite feature of { -brand-name-firefox } users for years and our avid community of developers have created a <a { $addons }>vast library</a> of open source add-ons and extensions allowing for even more personalization and functionality. Features that come with { -brand-name-firefox } when you download include our powerful <a { $screenshot }>screenshots tool</a>, accessibility features and integration with <a { $pocket }>{ -brand-name-pocket }</a> — a resource that lets users quickly save an article for later reading on any device.
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