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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • compare • chrome.ftl
We think it’s fair to say { -brand-name-firefox } and { -brand-name-chrome } are really neck and neck in terms of portability and utility, with { -brand-name-chrome } having a slight edge in utility because of its huge library of extensions and add-on features. But in terms of Privacy, { -brand-name-firefox } wins the day with our commitment to preserving our users’ online data and providing free baked-in services like password managers that also alert you if there happens to be a data breach involving your credentials.
We think it’s fair to say { -brand-name-firefox } and { -brand-name-chrome } are really neck and neck in terms of portability and utility, with { -brand-name-chrome } having a slight edge in utility because of its huge library of extensions and add-on features. But in terms of Privacy, { -brand-name-firefox } wins the day with our commitment to preserving our users’ online data and providing free baked-in services like password managers that also alert you if there happens to be a data breach involving your credentials.
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