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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • history • browser-history.ftl
NCSA Mosaic ran on { -brand-name-windows } computers, was easy to use, and gave anyone with a PC access to early web pages, chat rooms, and image libraries. The next year (1994), Andreessen founded <a href="{ $netscape }">{ -brand-name-netscape }</a> and released { -brand-name-netscape } Navigator to the public. It was wildly successful, and the first browser for the people. It was also the first move in a new kind of war for internet users.
NCSA Mosaic ran on { -brand-name-windows } computers, was easy to use, and gave anyone with a PC access to early web pages, chat rooms, and image libraries. The next year (1994), Andreessen founded <a href="{ $netscape }">{ -brand-name-netscape }</a> and released { -brand-name-netscape } Navigator to the public. It was wildly successful, and the first browser for the people. It was also the first move in a new kind of war for internet users.
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