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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • privacy • book.ftl
As you might already assume, this information is very valuable. That’s why the companies who have it make a lot of money by selling it to others. Unfortunately, no one involves you in this decision. That’s why { -brand-name-firefox } blocks many third-party trackers by default in order to give you back more control over your online experience and reduce your chances of being followed around the web by ads and dubious companies.
As you might already assume, this information is very valuable. That’s why the companies who have it make a lot of money by selling it to others. Unfortunately, no one involves you in this decision. That’s why { -brand-name-firefox } blocks many third-party trackers by default in order to give you back more control over your online experience and reduce your chances of being followed around the web by ads and dubious companies.
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