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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • privacy • book.ftl
Many of us feel that we have little control over their security, privacy and the quality of the information we see online. Maybe that's how you feel, too. Yes, there is room for improvement – but all too often we are rather lazy and use only a fraction of the tools available to us. Or we rely on convenient all-in-one solutions, putting a huge amount of personal data in the hands of a single company without hesitation. Why? Because we don’t want to give it more thought than absolutely necessary. Or maybe also because we simply don’t know how many alternatives we actually have.
Many of us feel that we have little control over their security, privacy and the quality of the information we see online. Maybe that's how you feel, too. Yes, there is room for improvement – but all too often we are rather lazy and use only a fraction of the tools available to us. Or we rely on convenient all-in-one solutions, putting a huge amount of personal data in the hands of a single company without hesitation. Why? Because we don’t want to give it more thought than absolutely necessary. Or maybe also because we simply don’t know how many alternatives we actually have.
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