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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • privacy • book.ftl
<strong>Perhaps you just need to do something urgently and depend on a public WIFI.</strong> That’s fine. If the network asks you to enter an email address in order to connect, please don’t enter the one you normally use. Rather get a new one for less trustworthy sites and services and don’t use it for personal email correspondence, important accounts or online banking. That way, you won’t really mind if you receive a lot of spam afterwards.
<strong>Perhaps you just need to do something urgently and depend on a public WIFI.</strong> That’s fine. If the network asks you to enter an email address in order to connect, please don’t enter the one you normally use. Rather get a new one for less trustworthy sites and services and don’t use it for personal email correspondence, important accounts or online banking. That way, you won’t really mind if you receive a lot of spam afterwards.
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