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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • privacy • book.ftl
There are several great password managers on the market; some are encrypted with a master password, others with biometric features (fingerprint, face scan). Choose whichever works best for you – and maybe you want to give { -brand-name-firefox-lockwise } a try? It will store all of your passwords securely and is available for your mobile devices as well as your desktop browser, so that you have your login information ready whenever you need it.
There are several great password managers on the market; some are encrypted with a master password, others with biometric features (fingerprint, face scan). Choose whichever works best for you – and maybe you want to give { -brand-name-firefox-lockwise } a try? It will store all of your passwords securely and is available for your mobile devices as well as your desktop browser, so that you have your login information ready whenever you need it.
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