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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • history • browser-history.ftl
Then { -brand-name-microsoft } began shipping { -brand-name-ie } with their { -brand-name-windows } operating system. Within 4 years, it had 75% of the market and by 1999 it had 99% of the market. The company faced antitrust litigation over the move, and { -brand-name-netscape } decided to open source its codebase and created the not-for-profit <a href="{ $mozilla }">{ -brand-name-mozilla }</a>, which went on to create and release { -brand-name-firefox } in 2002. Realizing that having a browser monopoly wasn’t in the best interests of users and the open web, { -brand-name-firefox } was created to provide choice for web users. By 2010, { -brand-name-mozilla } { -brand-name-firefox } and others had <a href="{ $marketshare }">reduced { -brand-name-ie }’s market share to 50%</a>.
C’est alors que { -brand-name-microsoft } commence à distribuer { -brand-name-ie } avec son système d’exploitation { -brand-name-windows }. En quatre ans, il prend 75 % du marché et, en 1999, il détient 99 % du marché. Du coup, l’entreprise doit répondre à un litige antitrust, et { -brand-name-netscape } décide d’ouvrir son code source et crée l’organisation à but non lucratif <a href="{ $mozilla }">{ -brand-name-mozilla }</a> qui poursuit les efforts pour créer et publier { -brand-name-firefox } en 2002. Conscient que le monopole du navigateur n’est pas du tout dans l’intérêt des utilisateurs et du Web ouvert, { -brand-name-firefox } est créé pour donner le choix aux internautes. En 2010, { -brand-name-mozilla } { -brand-name-firefox } et d’autres <a href="{ $marketshare }">réduisent la part de marché d’{ -brand-name-ie } à 50 %</a>.
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